Last night I’ve finished another Fresco project. This one was for the Creative Digital Illustration: Learn to Use Adobe Fresco by Lisk Feng, from Skillshare.
Last night I’ve finished another Fresco project. This one was for the Creative Digital Illustration: Learn to Use Adobe Fresco by Lisk Feng, from Skillshare.
Starting Week 6 with Day 1 of The Art & Science of Drawing. Week 6 is all about contours, so let’s dive in.
Managed to finish with Day 5 of Week 5 of The Art & Science of Drawing and with this, Week 5. Three more weeks to go.
Today got another reminder that I can win a free full year if I post a project in the Adobe Fresco classes and this made me doodle a bit more with the app and make a project for the Illustration Practice: Lettering & Florals With Adobe Fresco class by Dylan Mierzwinski.
Day 2 of Week 5 of The Art & Science of Drawing was about using plumb (vertical) and horizontal lines to help align and divide your subjects.
Today started Week 5 of The Art & Science of Drawing. As I’m posting these and looking at the references, I see I have a lot more to work till I can reproduce on paper what I see.
Skillshare is promoting these days some classes on the newly released Adobe Fresco, so I thought I should give Fresco a try.