Somebody asked me to help with his computer science assignment. This made me think that I’ve never took a formal class on computer science. After some searching, I’ve decided to take the CS50 class.
The course is not bad, though teaching so many programming languages (Scratch, C, Pyton, SQL for the main part and Flask/HTML/CSS/Javascript for web track, Swift/iOS for the iOS track, Java for the Android track or Lua for the Game track) might not be everyone’s cup of tea.
I’ve started the course thinking I’ll do the iOS track and the web track, maybe more, but lost a bit of steam on the way and end up doing only the web track. Maybe I’ll revisit it later and do more of the other tracks…
Is it worth the time?
- learned Flask (a bit)
- made pimin, a small Flask app to shutdown or reboot my Raspberry Pi
- got a nice certification of completion (in .pdf and .png)
- in order to finish the course and submit the final project, I also had to upload a short video to youtube describing what my project is about
Overall, I would say that yes, it is! 😄