The course is available on Packt and Udemy.
Adding 3D Objects from the Material Library
- all 3D objects are located under All Materials > 3D
Manipulating 3D Objects
- when selecting a 3D object, a movement manipulator appears above it
- the manipulator allows you to change the camera view or change the position and rotation of the object as a whole
- read more more
- select part of object to rotate only it
- blue disks can be dragged
- clicking multiple times on the blue disks changes edit mode between local and full body
- right click on a part to lock it in space
- a blue box will show that it is locked
- hand posing can be done easier through the Tool Property panel
Manipulating the 3D Camera
- the first 3 tools from the movement manipulator are for changing the camera view, not the model
- you can load a camera angle preset using the 4th button from the bottom toolbar, the object launcher
Using Preset Poses and Saving Custom Poses to the Materials Library
- to use a save pose, select it from the materials browser and drag&drop over your character
- to save a pose, use the Register full body pose as material from the object launcher
- store the pose under the All Materials > 3D > Pose > Full body
- give it some useful name and tags
- you can use the drop down from the button to save the left or right hand pose, too
Customizing Characters
- each model has its own custom options
- use the object launcher or the Tool property to make your changes