The course is available on Packt and Udemy.
Basic Rulers
- located under Ruler
- draw a ruler, then select a pen and draw over the ruler to snap to it
- make sure the Snap to ruler is checked
- rulers are by default linked to a layer
- you can make the ruler be available on all layers from the Layer panel
- Linear ruler: a line (straight or curved)
- Curved ruler: a polyline (straight or curved)
- Figure ruler: rectangles, ellipses, etc…
- Guide ruler: vertical or horizontal guides
- make sure Snap to guide is checked if you want to use them for drawing
Special Rulers
- under Ruler > Special ruler
- modify a ruler by selecting it with Operation > Object
- disable by clicking on the small diamond
- move the circle control points to change it
- drag the plus control to move the ruler
- if the Snap to special ruler is checked, lines drawn will snap to it, even if drawn far away from the ruler
- for Parallel curve and Multiple curve rulers, dbl-click the mouse to finish the ruler
Using the Symmetrical Ruler
- under Ruler > Symmetrical ruler
- can create a mirror, mandala or kaleidoscope
- can change the number of lines
- for an even number of lines, you can enable Line symmetry
- if Line symmetry is unchecked (or the number of lines is odd), you get a radial symmetry centered in the ruler’s center
Using the Stream Line Tools
- under Figure > Stream Line
- allows to generate special effects:
- scattered stream line
- dark stream line
- gloom
- rain
- use Operation > Object to modify the stream after drawing it
Saturated Line Tools
- under Figure > Saturated
- available effects:
- scattered saturated line
- dark saturated line (curve)
- dark saturated line
- brightness
- burst
Selecting a ruler
- you can temporarily select and modify a ruler while pressing Cmd key, even if your current active tool is a pen, for example