The course is available on Packt and Udemy.
Drawing on Vector Layers
- use any brush to draw on a vector layer to create a vector object
Adjust Vector Lines
- use Operation > Object to select a vector and move it’s nodes
- use Correct line > Control point to add, move, … nodes
- use Correct line > Pinch vector line to distort an existing line
- use Correct line > Redraw vector line to redraw part of the line
- use Correct line > Redraw vector line width to change the width without changing it’s path
Adding and Deleting Control Points
- select a line with Operation > Object
- right click to add a node via the popup menu
- select a node and right click to delete a node via the popup menu
- set the mode of the Correct line > Control point to add, move, delete, cut, …
- join two lines using Correct line > Connect vector line subtool
Scale and Rotate Vector Lines
- select the object with the Operation > Object
- rotate or scale using the provided handles
- rotate with 45 degrees increments by pressing Shift
- scale proportionally by holding the Shift and dragging one of the corner handles
- select multiple objects holding Shift to scale or rotate them together