Started to watch drawing 2 tutorials from ctrl+paint.
Welcome to Drawing 2
- short intro to Drawing 2
The Drawing Habit
- draw every-day
- drawing is like a physical exercise
- you get better by drawing regularly
- if you stop drawing, you get worse!
Sketching: Lines (Digital)
- do a sketch using a large round brush
- gestural sketch
- worry only on proportions, not details
- zoom out so that you can see the whole drawing
- refine
- reduce the opacity
- create a second layer
- use a smaller brush
- concentrate on the details more
- not clean lines, but close, so that the next pass can be the last one
- you can zoom in smaller areas
- refine
- merge the two sketching layers
- reduce the opacity
- create a new layer
- you can increase the resolution of the doc at this point
- use clean black lines to draw the final image