Today I’ve finally finishing The Art & Science of Drawing, so I’ve started looking for my next drawing course from Skillshare.
After watching a couple of less interesting ones, I’ve decided to make the assignment for the Charcoal & Graphite - Shading Techniques one.
Emmy Kalia uses this technique to shade:
- add a layer of graphite or charcoal
- smooth it with a tissue or blending stump
- add one more layers
- smooth it
- … and so on until you get the desired result
In her demo, Emmy shaded completely the sphere and then the ground cast shadow, but I prefer Brent’s technique, where I draw the object, the line of termination, the cast shadow and than start shading the whole drawing, not one part at a time.
For the assignment I’ve used:
- paper:
- A3 copy paper
- pencils:
- Koh-I-Noor Gioconda Negro
- Graphite HB-8B
- Koh-I-Noor Sepia Dark
- Conte Pierre Noire HB
- blending:
- paper tissue
- paper blending stump