Day 3 of Week 8 of The Art & Science of Drawing is about complexity - how to apply shading to much more complex subjects than those tackled so far.
Handling Complexity
- apply each step to all subjects at the same time
- draw all subjects
- draw all lines of terminations, on all subjects
- draw all cast shadows
- and so on…
Common mistakes
- do the shading for one subject and then move to the next subject
- this usually gives fractures in the shading
- it is easy to loose the overall cohesion and organization
- add shading without thinking
- creates confusion
- easy to miss essential light and shadow patterns
The Subject: A Wooden Toy Train
- drawing wooden toys is a very good exercise, as the toys are usually made of simple basic forms
- the subject is lit from the upper-right
Preparing to Shade
- make sure you have drawn correctly the form
- common mistake: start shading before making sure the form is correctly drawn
- no ammount of shading will solve problems with basic volumes, perspective or proportion
Defining Form Shadows
- draw the line of termination on all forms
- once all lines of termination have been drawn, fill the shadow areas with a light wash
Defining Cast Shadows
draw cast shadows made by:
- a part of the object on another part of the object
- the whole object on the ground plane
fill the cast shadow with a darker wash than that used to fill the form shadow
draw the occlusion shadows (the darkest)
draw the rim shadows
Do not continue until you get something that makes sense! The light and shadow patterns should make sense at this point!
Adding Core Shadows
- add the core shadows to all areas
Darkening Cast Shadows
- add drama by darkening the cast shadows
Refining Values
- refinement should not obscure the greater light/shadow patterns
- simple rule of thumb: no value on the shadow side of the line of termination should be lighter than those on the lit side of the line of termination
- drawing the background usually give a sense of finish to the drawing
- one good technique is to add dark background near the light areas of the subject
The Assignment
- apply the shadng process to a complex subject containing many hybrid volumes
- do not use any organic forms
- steps (reminder):
- prepare to shade by lightly drawing your basic volumes
- define the form shadows with the line of termination & a light wash of value
- define the cast shadows by drawing their shape and then filling them in with value
- add the core shadows
- darken the cast shadows
- refine the drawing by adding mid tones & making any necessary value adjustments