Today started Week 5 of The Art & Science of Drawing. As I’m posting these and looking at the references, I see I have a lot more to work till I can reproduce on paper what I see.

The class was about measuring and comparing proportions of your subject:

  • choose two landmark points
  • keeping your pencil with your arm stretched, measure the distance between the points as you see it, by using the top of the pencil and sliding your thumb up or down on the pencil
  • use this measurement as the unit to measure the distance between other landmark points on your subject
  • transfer the points on the paper
  • you should start the process by measuring and drawing the bounding box of your subject
  • try to use simple ratios like 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 or approximate them (like a bit under 1:2 or a bit over 1:2)


  • select 5 simple subjects and explore their proportions using proportional measuring
  • for each object, draw the width to height box derived from your measuring
  • finally, lightly draw your subjects within their proportional boxes

Desk lamp
Desk lamp
Hair dryer
Hair dryer
Assignment (1/2)
Assignment (1/2)
Window cleaner bottle
Window cleaner bottle
Assignment (2/2)
Assignment (2/2)