After working for two week on moving from Patreon to my own Hugo site, I’m ready to continue with Day 1 of Week 4 of The Art & Science of Drawing.


  • find a compound from that is made up of cylindrical shapes and/or spherical shapes
  • observe, analyze and draw the compound form using the tools and techniques learned in the class

I did the assignment once before starting moving my web site to Hugo, but I was not really happy with it, so I decided to redo it again yesterday. Still not very happy with the result, I’ve decided to spend today on the same subject - simple cylindrical objects.

Still-life setup (First try, two weeks ago)
Still-life setup (First try, two weeks ago)
Still-life drawing
Still-life drawing
Warmup, after two weeks of just coding (yesterday)
Warmup, after two weeks of just coding (yesterday)
Still-life setup
Still-life setup
Still-life drawing
Still-life drawing
Warmup (today)
Warmup (today)
Still-life setup 1
Still-life setup 1
Still-life setup 2
Still-life setup 2
Still-life setup 3
Still-life setup 3
Still-life drawing
Still-life drawing