The Art & Science of Drawing: Week 3 Written by Ioan Călin on September 29, 2019 in drawing 1 min Continuing with Week 3 of The Art & Science of Drawing. Day 1: The Sphere Warm-up Ellipses 100 spheres (part 1) 100 spheres (part 2) Day 2: The Cylinder Warm-up 100 cylinders (part 1) 100 cylinders (part 2) Day 3: The Cube Warm-up Pause & draw cubes x 3 More pause & draw cubes x 3 Day 4: Observing objects Warm-up Drawing boxes and cylinders from observation Day 5: A Simple Still Life Warm-up Still-life setup 1 Still-life setup 2 Still-life setup 3 Still-life drawing Author: Ioan Călin Words: 33 Share: Tag: #art & science of drawing #brent eviston #charcoal #skillshare #traditional Back · Home The Art & Science of Drawing: Week 2: Days 2-5 Moving to Hugo