This is the homework for THE ART & SCIENCE OF DRAWING / Week 1: Basic Skills / Day 1: How to Begin, by Brent Eviston, on Skillshare.
The course is supposed to take 7-8 weeks, but I hope to do it quicker. After all, this is the second time I’m taking it 😂
Day 1 is about how obtaining a light pressure on your pencil. I’ve used these drawing tools:
- Daco B graphite pencil (Daco is a local brand; the pencil is around $0.25 I think…)
- Charcoal Pencil (bought a box of 8 for around $2), that look more like black colored pencil than charcoal pencil
- 3-4mm vine charcoal, bought from AliExpress (20 pcs for $1.79)
- Koh-I-Noor Gioconda Dark Brown Sepia Lead (6 leads for around $3)
I’ve searched for Newsprint, but couldn’t find any local shops selling it, so, after some search for some alternative I’ve bought these two:
- flip-chart paper
- white wrapping paper
They are double the size of my drawing board (70x50cm), so I have to cut them with a cutter, but they are really cheap. For example, the wrapping paper is 5 ron (around $1.17) and I get 10 sheets of 100x70 cm 55 gsm (so I end up with 20 drawing sheets for $1.17). The flip-chart paper is a bit heavier and rougher and it also has some extra holes for attaching it to the flip-chart, so I guess I’ll stick to the wrapping paper for a while 🙂
In my opinion, I’ve got the lightest lines with the Daco B and the Charcoal Pencil. The Sepia Lead is nice, but a bit too dark too fast. The vine charcoal is a bit too thin and broke and crumbled quite easily - I have’t realized the sticks are so thin when I’ve ordered them.
Except for the Daco B, I’ve added some value charts, as I was curious what range of values I can get.